Literary Punk podcast # 1: resources on the human subject at the coalface with language

Here are some of my hero resources for this punk area of literary theory and life!

Slavoj Žižek, Lacan, London: Granta Books, 2006.  Žižek’s how-to-read-Lacan’s-“linguistic reading of the entire psychoanalytic edifice” is brilliant!  Žižek has that unmistakable Freud thing: he makes psychoanalytic theory read like a novella. (Freud won the 1930 Goethe Prize for literature.  In my opinion ‘Dora’ is one of the best 19th century novellas you’ll ever read. They teach it at Princeton in a course called Reading Freud’s Great Case Histories as Short Stories.)

Another short yet thrilling resource is  ‘A Question of Subjectivity – an Interview’, Julia Kristeva interviewed by Susan Sellers. Initially published in Women’s Review, #12,  it was republished in Modern Literary Theory – A Reader, London: Edward Arnold, 1989, pp.128-34.  I still paw this interview filled with trepidation at the way these two traverse the beautiful, shocking process of the unconscious in a creative relationship with language.

(Check university library basement periodical collections for hard copies of Women’s Review.  Modern Literary Theory – A Reader will be on shelf. I like to read the Lacan on an e-Reader in bed.)



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